Whirlin aboot

Whoops-a-daisy – life suddenly turned upside down!

I did not venture forth to Kirkwall on Tuesday – I went to a business start up advice meeting instead. Now I find myself involved in partnership discussions and mapping out some knitting designs…

It is very early days, and there is no knowing how matters will pan out, but for the immediate future there will be little time for lace.

This is a great shame as today I received a lovely package of yarn that I gained in return  for a p/hop donation. It’s Cherry Tree Hill Orenburg Lace – a handspun single of Mohair and Silk, with 500 metres to 5og. I have three skeins, and they were hand-dyed in Indigo from a white base by Sarah, who hopped them to me. Oh, how I want to cast on right now!! But I have handspun textures to explore…

Also in the post this week – I have been receiving Altoids. I asked on the UK-RAK Ravelry group for Altoids tins to store my knitting notions in. I also asked for sock yarn scraps and some of the packages have held both.My thanks to everybody who responded to my request.

I’m keen to cast on now for my sock yarn blankie.  This is to be a long term project designed to provide me with easily portable simple ferry knitting, and to use up all those oddments of sock yarn – of which I do not actually have sufficient of course.

This is the inspiration – the Sock Yarn Blanket by Shelly Kang (more details here), a domino square patchwork blanket. Looks sort of Klimt-ish, doesn’t it?

You may regard this as a plea for sock yarn scraps. Or even whole balls  🙂

I’m planning on using a weight of yarn based on commercially produced sock yarns such as Opal and Regia. I have perhaps a dozen or so different scraps to hand. I shall need many, many more before it is done! Lots of golds and yellows, I think, and bright, bright jewel shades. I think I want to play up the Klimt side of things.

Anyway, the blog is going to suffer while we sort out the potential business. I shall still be here but with nothing very interesting to talk about for a while – there will be long gaps, I expect.

I actually have a plan for a suite of six kit designs at present. That’s a lot of work.

Clue 3 of the Evenstar is out today. I haven’t finished Clue 2 yet. I hope that I manage to keep up on this one project, at least. I’ll try and finish Clue 2 after lunch, to be ready for the new clue later – I shall need a break from thinking about the current design project by then.

See you around!

One Comment

  1. Lisa
    March 13, 2010

    Very exciting! Fingers crossed for you 🙂

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