Last gasp

I just wrote a whole post and then lost it! The auto backup was blank. Now I have to remember what I said before…

Woke this morning to find that Broadband had been fixed. That is a very good thing indeed, it has been a frustrating week.

The cork tiles in the utility room are now all up. The job went far more easily than when we did the kitchen floor. So, that’s good too.

The third good thing today happened when I noticed on Facebook that my neighbour had some storage furniture available on a free-to-uplift basis. I arranged to call round and have a look.

Now, for once, when I say neighbour I don’t just mean a generalisation of another islander. This is my actual next door neighbour, kind of. It is the house adjacent to ours at the back but to get there requires a circuitous route via the road along the bay and past the cottage next door at the front, then along a winding track that runs through the wet lands. I should have put my wellies on, stupid girl.

I took my camera with me as it was a beautiful morning and thought that by doing so I might just squeak in with some images for The Changing Seasons this month. I have hardly had my camera out at all in May.

looking back-1


I took this one half way along the track to Little Over The Water, looking back across the bog towards our own house. The Iris are late in flowering this year but will look magnificent when they do bloom. In the meantime, the Marsh Marigolds/Kingcups are looking wonderful. I also noticed that the Horsetails are growing well and the Astilbes are showing plenty of leaf. In the field on the far side of the track I noticed Ladies Smock. It is amazing how different the habitat is just yards from our own garden with its different array of wild plants.

I was able to re-home a bedside-type chest of drawers, which is now in the caravan and waiting for me to fill it with my sewing things. It is safe to say that I am delighted with my acquisition.

The tulips that I bought in town last time I went in are pretty much dead now. I have been saving them on the windowsill in the hope of being able to take a few “beautiful decay” shots and that is exactly what I have been up to this afternoon. Very much a last gasp.

There is beauty in everything but the time has come to toss these lovelies onto the compost heap and I shall do that in a moment, when I go out to fill those drawers.

My music box came yesterday and the batteries for it arrived today. I am busy filling up a teeny weeny 16 GB USB drive from the music on our server, but the new player also offers DAB and FM radio and a CD player. I shall not go short of entertainment.

Now for the Bad Stuff. We noticed that there was a whiff emanating in the direction of the caravan. It was coming from the septic tank. Drains have been inspected. Mr L is currently engaged in unblocking them. He refused my offer of help. He is an angel.

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