We are going to have a new floor

I admit it – there have been times in recent days when the goal of a new floor seemed to be far from achievable. Today however, the tiling began.

Tiling by the back door
Tiling by the back door

When Mr L came out to the van for his lunch he asked me how it was going, cooking  in the van. I said it was fine and he suggested that was a good thing as we might be camping out for a while…

Whilst I am a little more positive about the project, I do take his point. The utility room floor should have all the whole tiles laid by tea time and then be in need of its edging bits doing.  The other room however is a daunting space indeed.

Somewhat daunting
Somewhat daunting

We escaped to the pub last night for a fish supper. I made a Ratatouille this morning for dinner tonight and will add couscous and some grilled Hallomi cheese. We are already negotiating on the matter of returning to the pub tomorrow night… but I guess that relies on good progress on the kitchen floor. I should probably plan a van meal, just in case.

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