30 Days Wild : 16/17

Days 16/17

Day 17 of 30 Days Wild and the month end is already galloping into view.

Fish and Chips, with a side of Seal

So, the weather is awful and to make matters worse we are embroiled in the biggest DIY job that I have ever tackled. How did I manage to fit in some Wildlife today, then?

I was sneaky.

A little fed up of the cooking conditions in the van, I suggested that we take advantage of chip shop night at the pub in the village. Now, I can tell that you have a questioning look on your face and are wondering where I might be going with this. Haddock and Chips as wildlife, surely not.


However, here on our peedie island, we are amongst the luckiest of folks. Our little hotel bar fronts the bay, adjacent to the harbour in Kettletoft.  There are large-paned windows looking out over the sea just yards from where you sit to eat your fish supper. In between the bar window and the sea, it is common to find seals hauled out at low tide. So it was this evening, though not many. There are more seals hauled out in sunny weather but despite the mizzle, the low temperature and the wind this evening, we were treated to a large Bull Seal and a small female hauled out, with two more seals bobbing about in the water.

This making time for Wildlife on a daily basis? Easy peasy.

Yes, I know. We are so very fortunate. It makes me happy indeed.

Apologies for the lack of photographic evidence today. I shall do better tomorrow, I promise.

It is an ill wind…

We are having some very unseasonable weather. Yesterday saw a squally and heavy rain in the pm. It is not all bad news – I normally quite welcome rain at this time of the year as it brings the gulls into the garden in search of worms to feed their families. Their activity can be mesmerising, as they float low over the ground. So it was last evening. We are currently cooking and dining in our camper van as the house kitchen is an empty shell. We sat digesting our meal last night, with rain teeming down the windows but with just sufficient visibility to enjoy the flock of seagulls that were hoovering up the garden worms. Some discussion ensued but we both agreed that these were Common Gulls.

Unfortunately, the exceptionally heavy rain and strong wind meant that I could not take photographs. I will get some if and when conditions are suitable.

Gull identification can be challenging at times. Here are some resources that can help.

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