Two by Two

An unscheduled bout of spinning last night saw another bobbin of singles completed. There is till a very long way to go, however.

- and this is only one of three colours
The pile of  2 – and this is only one of three colours

Mr L wanted to play on his keyboard, which is in the sitting room, so he lit a fire (it’s a bit chilly and dank in there, and asked me to come spin and keep him company. It seemed an excellent idea to me, so I took Morgana down and sat by the fire spinning and singing along to his accompaniment. We are uncertain which is worse – his playing or my croaking, but it was fun.

In the intervals between spinning (I am caring for my hands these days) I played with my camera some more. I was trying out the highest ISO setting to take images of the menagerie without use of flash.


There is a bit of noise at ISO 6400, but quite acceptable, I think?

The 365 photo project is proving to be time-consuming and it took many failed shots today to come up with my representation of “Two.”

365:2 Two in the bush
365:2 Two in the bush

It’s OK while we are on holiday but I shan’t be able to keep this up once we return to routine.

Some of the shots that did not get picked:

I liked the bokeh but the wrong fingers are in focus
I liked the bokeh but the wrong fingers are in focus


Nice light and good use of negative space but not exactly a killer shot
Nice light and good use of negative space but not exactly a killer shot
A different bird in hand
A different bird in hand

I actually had a plan for today that involved two fountain pens. Try as I might, I just could not get them to do anything interesting!

 wpid14188-BL_14_00038.jpg wpid14186-BL_14_00031.jpg

“Three” tomorrow – got any ideas for what I might do?

I think that I may make a Blipfoto badge to show my 365 project photos here, rather than keep on spending time in writing them up. Not much use if you read this via RSS but what can I say? Subscribe to my nybblets feed, I suppose 🙂

Badge now added to right hand side of the footer.



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