That’s it then

That’s it then, the die is cast for another year.

My Show entries are in. There was not much effort put into it this year and I’m not expecting any success,  though I have one or two photos going in that I should like to see do well – for no other reason than I am fond of them. At least I feel that I made an effort. I am already planning to do better next year and itching to get started.  I think I know what I want to spin and I have a few suitable knitting WiPs that I can complete in time if, and  it is  a big if, my hands hold up. I may even have a stab at the preserves if we can get a kitchen fitted over the winter. Actually, that’s another of those big ifs.

Submissions was the usual cheerful and social event. I do enjoy it. The sun came out in time for us to drive up to the School and  people were out on the field, laying it out. I would be happy if we had more similar weather tomorrow for the big event but frankly, it’s not looking that way.

Right – time for a warm bath and an early night. Let us see if we can fix Mr L’s back so that he feels up to a day on the field tomorrow.

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