No gifts, please

The Herringbone Rib socks and I have been together for so long now that I am considering formalising our relationship. Nothing fancy: a simple Civil ceremony, no speeches… just a few friends and  a simple buffet. Honeymoon in Antigua, perhaps.

The gusset is completed.

Downhill run now…

‘Tis a glorious day here on the Windswept Acre. Alas, all is not running well. We have Mechanical Difficulties. There is swearing and there is shouting. Me? I’m watching my Respect the Spindle DVD, which I downloaded this morning. Abby Franquemont, with the volume turned up, just about outweighs the sound of spanners being thrown out of the pram.

In Other News… pmcblonde contacted me to say that I had won the naming competition for her shawl pattern, which was held on her blog. I have won a  lovely skein of Knitting Goddess yarn. We are calling the shawl “Mizzle.” The pattern is being test knit now and should be available mid-September. I think that it would look fine in handspun yarn — though maybe not the kind that I can (barely) make on a spindle…