
Oh dear, what a murky day it is! Grey and very wet indeed. I do hope that the weather will not be like this when we go away. It’s a bit early to be looking that far ahead so I’ll just square my shoulders and hope for the best. At least the current forecast for my day in town mid-week is pretty reasonable at the moment. I do hope to take my camera with me.

Just for today however it is hard to find the energy to do anything much. I’ve done what is necessary and now I am considering whether or no to bake. The trouble is, I am having a yeast crisis. I need to go to the shop when it opens this afternoon but the weather is very much putting me off.

Mr L’s clever trick with the campervan shower head came adrift. We have mis-matched connector sizes. He’s having a day off today so problem-solving will happen later.

I think I may and try to tidy my workroom a little – we are getting into indoor photography season, by the current look of things. At the moment I have no space to set up in and some very untidy background. Much work is required. I shall need to burn some lights though. I can barely see a hand in front of my face in this murk.

Speaking of burning power – we have the central heating on today. Not so much because it is needed (it isn’t); the weather may be grey and wet but at least it remains warm. It’s more because we want to check that nothing died over the summer. There is nothing worse than turning the boiler on when the first cold day strikes and then finding that it won’t run. BTDTGTTS.

I’ve been in and out of the front porch all morning, emptying cat trays and sorting rubbish for tomorrow morning’s collection. We are both very pleased with how much warmer that end of the house is already. Changing all the doors was exactly what was needed. When the windows are finished, it’s going to be really cosy. Once the new range goes in it will positively toasty, I’ll bet.

Still no knitting done – not for weeks. I need to give myself a big boot up the bum.

Was looking up a start date for the 2014 SUMS Puzzle Hunt this morning but could not find one. Anybody know when it starts?

One Comment

  1. September 11, 2014

    Nothing on the Facebook page or website about Sums yet.

I enjoy reading your comments, please pass the time of day