In this morning’s post – a camel. An Eco-camel, in fact. It is an Ecocamel Jetstorm, and according to, this is a special shower head, designed for low pressure systems. Currently reduced in price, Mr L bought it for a song, with the additional help of a voucher code, in the hope of achieving a more satisfactory morning shower in the campervan. We shall report back on its success next week.
You may well pooh-pooh the notion but we have high hopes. When we were in Skylight Cottage, we fitted a plastic shower of the Bernoulli type and were astounded at it’s efficacy (and low cost). This shower head utilises a similar mechanism.
At the very least it has reminded me to add sugar lumps and teaspoons to my van-packing list!
Today I plan to go and admire my lovely new front door from the outside. Yes, it’s up. After a worrying period yesterday after the drill bit broke, Mr L managed to find an old one in the garage and it held up long enough to get the door in. So, that’s all three of the doors fitted now, plus two of the five windows. Just three windows to go in now.
I’m thinking that now we have a front door that actually opens and may well be used to welcome folk, I need some plant pots to set it off. It’s a little late for geraniums now, but maybe next year some bright red ones will look lovely against the Oxford Blue door and white walls. Hanging baskets would be nice but wouldn’t stay put long unless we remembered to bring them in when high winds are expected. Hmm, a prettier light would be good too, wouldn’t it?
I’m away to town on Wednesday, for a day at the Science Festival. I might just have enough time to pick up a bag of daffodil bulbs. I can plant them up for use outside the door when the spring comes. I have been promising myself some daffs ever since we moved in here (and discovered a complete absence of flowering plants on the Windswept Acre) but never seem to get to town at the right time of year to buy them.
It was not a bad day at all when we took the dogs out to play. It was warm and still and very much t-shirt weather. I was photographing the dogs, big bales, and the towering clouds. By the time that we came in and I had the card in the reader… it was pouring down!
The rain has stopped and Mr L has gone out to roll on the floor underneath Brunhilde. I have to face the exciting task of cleaning cat trays. Then I may get my spinning wheel out.
Pork Vindaloo today. Yummy. Better still – I’m not doing the cooking.
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