More dull

Ah well. A good plan does not always come rapidly to fruition. The oil pipe on the old Rayburn is disconnected but we have two hitches with the water supply. Firstly, we cannot drain the system due to the stopcock being too large for the  hosepipe. Secondly, we cannot undo the nuts on the pipework due to the large adjustable spanner being a smidge too small. Both issues are most likely down to Metric/Imperial mis-matching.

I’ve stripped the sofa down and vacuumed it and it is ready to move into the space that I created for it in here. I’ve also emptied the little under counter fridge ready for taking it out. The process of emptying the big pine chest is in hand. I’m enjoying my work a little more since Pick of the Pops started. Marmalade, Amen Corner, Desmond Decker, Chicken Shack  (yes, the same track I blogged so recently) and now, Scott Walker.  1969 – my perfect music year. Singing along, remembering being 16, and almost having fun with the Dyson for a change.



Ah well, coffee break over, best get back to the grindstone.

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