Lost and Found

Do you have that thing in your house – the thing, that  Fundamental Law which controls the finding of lost things. Nothing that one searches for can be found until the next time, when it will be found while seeking some other lost item?

In our house that Law is inescapable. Perhaps it has something to do with Ley Lines or ancient Norse rites or something. I mean… what was inscribed on that rune stone that was found in our garden, eh?

Anyway, yesterday I searched high and low for my T-pins but had to block the Argent curl with some make-do arrangements.   Today I wanted to sew in its ends but could not find my wool needles anywhere either. Eventually I remembered my hexapuff kit in the camper van, investigated and found a wool needle in it. After doing that little task I realised that I really must put in some time in sorting out the caravan or else these lost property adventures are only going to increase.

I began by tossing out all forms of fleece to stack in crates in the newly-formed store room. Of course I found my sweetie box filled with Altoid tins of various notions and sundries in one of my skips of fleece.

Why? I mean how? WTF? There is no way that container should have been in the middle of my fleece stash. However, I am pleased that the Law was applied and I now have my T-pins and my wool needles back at hand. I confess to also being pleased that there is no longer any rush to finish sorting out the caravan.

Speaking of finding lost things – when I moved into the caravan a long lost shawl popped up. I’ll tell you how long it has been lost because I set it to one side until such time as I could afford some blocking wires – and just how long have I been in possession of wires now, eh.  I may block it this week but it is quite large and I shall need a table top bigger than the one currently in use.

The curl is dry and I am now wondering how best to arrange it both for its beauty shots and for the Show. Hunter makes some suggestions on this page, from where I have shamelessly stolen her image (but I am confident that she will not mind.)

Click for larger version

As you can see, there are many options.

Here are a couple of blocking shots

Argent blocking2 (1 of 1) Argent blocking (1 of 1)


Argent was very easy to block. The method is simple and straightforward – 1 wire in the straight edge, then pat it gentle into the shape that it wants to be. Finally, stretch out and pin the long side. The shorter side takes care of itself.

Isn’t it smashing? It reminds me of my besottedness with French Curve sets when I was small, and also of the many happy hours that I spent with Fractint when first I owned a PC. (You may call me a Geek if you wish, I don’t care.)

I am extremely pleased by the handle and drape now that it is blocked and dry. Now I want to make another curl as soon as I can. It was a fun knit.

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