In my step

There is something of Spring about it today. The birds are busy and tweeting merrily and the sun keeps peeping out – the temperature is a balmy 7.3º C at present. I  had hoped to walk out (with my camera of course) to find the fresh fish van that I learned of yesterday. The laundry got in the way and I ran out of available time. Maybe the next time it comes I shall be more successful.

Denali : no work since Sunday
Denali : no work since Sunday

Knitting progress:

  • Denali – none done since Sunday
  • Warriston  – now 15 inches long and should be ready to mark off the arm gussets this evening.
  • Fox Paws – frogged!

I am going to try Fox Paws on different needles.  Things were progressing painfully slowly between my poor eyes, the lack of available light, the soft ply of the yarn splitting, the halo masking the stitches and the weirdness of the KYOK and SB2 stitches. It was taking so long to separate out the two stitches for slipping back to the left hand needle without dropping any stitches from the metal needles that I kept forgetting how many groups of stitches I had done.

No doubt about it – better light is required, plus total concentration. The yarn may or may not work better for me if I swap the slippery and relatively blunt Nova needles out.

My Signature needles are really pointy and very good for difficult combination stitches. The aluminium shaft has micro-ridges to grip the yarn.  They are a little larger, at 4.5 mm but this is looking like a Good Thing. Having got half way through Row 4, I was finding the stitches very bunched together and tight in the increase sections.

My Yarn Tidy
My Yarn Tidy

For now, Fox Paws is going to be put away until the daylight is stronger and lasts a little longer. I have made a box to keep my yarns straight in and hope this will aid productivity when I get going again. I need to do something similar for the Denali yarns.

Warriston is keeping me excited due entirely to its rewarding speed of growth. I shall probably keep knitting on that today and for the foreseeable future.  I should have a new sweater very soon, I think.

Whoops, I am late for lunch. Must go and cook. Pictures later.

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