Fox Paws: WiP

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  • My Ravelry Project: No Pause Round Here
    There are no foxes in Orkney and, seemingly, no pause in my knitting and yarn-purchasing frenzy at the moment.
  • Size: 81 stitches/ 4 horizontal repeats
  • Using: Drops Alpaca in five shades,  from Knitted Home at £2.50 a ball. –
    • A Navy Blue
    • B Light Greyish Green
    • C Dark Blue
    • D Dark Purple
    • E Grey Purple
Drops Alpaca
Drops Alpaca. L – R: Grey Purple 6347, Dark Purple 4400, Dark Blue 6790, Light Greyish Green 7120, Navy Blue 5575


Project Cast on: 10th February 2015


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Cast on this morning. Knitted one row. Referred to pattern instructions and began Row 2 entirely incorrectly. Tinked. Began Row 2 again. Was interrupted. I have yet to return to it.


As I mentioned this morning, I am unsure of the colours. Luckily the designer provides a handy sheet to colour in. Unluckily, having photographed the yarn and built a colour swatch in Photoshop, I found myself completely unable to fill in between the lines. It looks as though we shall have to go for the experiential approach instead.


One Comment

  1. spinninggill
    February 11, 2015

    I love the colours! 🙂

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