Productivity would appear to know few bounds around here just now. It makes a change and I must say that it makes for a good feeling.
Yesterday I repaired the Rivington Cowl error – I still ducked the grafting but did at least manage to get a 3 needle bind off done with the seam on the inside. I also began marking up my entry sheet and making labels for entries and I washed my purple skeins in addition to completing the tassels for the Capucine hat that I made last year. In between whiles I knitted on the A Hap for Harriet.
Today I plan to wash more skeins, re-skein the purple ones ready for presentation, wash and block both the Rivington Cowl and the Capucine and… (wait for it)…. I’m going to close the seam on my Ladies Circular Cape in Shell Pattern! (This won’t necessarily be straightforward as there was a nasty needle/stitch separation issue at Spinning Group one day – since when the thing has not seen light of day.) It’s not for the Show – there’s no Class in which to enter it – but whilst I am in completing mood, I thought I’d go for it. All this will happen after lunch as I am already cooking and don’t want the smells on my clean goodies.
There was some ageing Pancetta in the fridge and I had a pack of split peas, purchased in error when I meant to get Marrowfats, so it’s marriage made in heaven and Split Pea Soup is on the menu today. I also get to use up Monday’s bread as croutons. Very thrifty. Speaking of which, I perhaps should mention that yesterday’s Curry Patties were in fact delicious and went down a treat with a couple of sausages. I separated the potato and sweet potato chunks and mashed them before stirring in the other parts of the veggie curry and adding the leftover rice and an extra chopped chilli together with a little Gram Flour to firm things up sufficiently to handle. Essentially, I made a spicy bubble and squeak.
I’d do it again.
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