I could have SORN I was safe

I just found this post, which had failed to publish. Updates on out trip follow soon.

You know how it is – one gets nicely settled into the routine of Winter. Nothing much changes and we plod from one dark day to the next dismal one…

It was ten past five on Wednesday when Mr L came to see me, saying “Shall we take Brunhilde away for the weekend?

Well you could have smote me down with the proverbial feather! I think he too must be feeling something in the air.

The van was emptied out at the back end of last year and was properly and officially off-road.

It is far too simple a matter these days to un-SORN a vehicle. Just saying.

Of course the ferry office closes at 5 pm so it was all up in the air until 7 am Thursday, when Bruni was safely booked passage in both directions.

There is much to do – our Thursday began with fixing the compressor and then blowing air into tyres, checking water and oil levels and the engine bay for signs of starlings taking up Spring residency. Batteries were charged recently as regular winter maintenance.

Turning Bruni through 180 degrees was a priority. The last thing that we needed was to be getting stuck in the mud when the ferry time is fast approaching so we did that job before breakfast.

Our lovely postie, Norma, spotted the clues when she delivered the post. She is holding our mail for us until we get back – no sense in  trekking up our track of mud and holes if she has no need.

The next tasks include de-SORNing the van, making up the bed and stocking the cupboards with food for the weekend. I’m not planning on taking much food as we can call in at Tesco tonight and again on Saturday. In fact we are planning a Valentine’s meal – a quick steak and mushroom sauce kind of affair, with a purchased pudding. It’s difficult being without an oven or grill.

I will write up the trip on our return. Does this mean that I have to finish writing up the September trip first? (I’m so glad I actually got that job started!)  The outline plan is to head straight for  Deerness and stop there for tonight, walking with the dogs tomorrow and staying put tomorrow night. Saturday we will go and look at wall tiles for the kitchen and when we are done in town we will head to West Mainland and stop somewhere like Skaill. Well, most likely Skaill than not. Somewhere along the line we’ll have a takeaway curry and probably a sit down lunch somewhere – so there won’t be much cooking going on in the van. Unless you count breakfast, of course. Bacon is de rigeur when camping in any format. I’ve packed the Maple Syrup so there may be pancakes too, or porridge. There are ample coffee supplies and wine and Port are packed. Chess, Cribbage and Auracaria crossword books are at hand, as are music albums and audio books.

Rugby ball, Frisbee and dog towels are in the baggage locker. Harnesses and leads are hanging up in the van.


Knitting: I am taking Denali with me for the long evenings and I have not one but two vanilla sock kits for travel knitting. It was tempting to take Warriston along for the ride but that would have meant checking the pattern and finding things like stitch holders and carrying extra yarn for knitting sleeves two at a time. Best kept until I am safely home, methinks.

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