FO Friday

The “FO” in today’s post does not stand for “Finished Object”…

In fact, although I had a veritable plethora of FOs lined up for today’s post –  the week, our house guest and the virus have combined in overtaking me. All I want to do now is to go  back to bed, so… FO, Friday! I really cannot be bothered with you.

I am sorry but honestly, right now I could not rally the interest to even look for my camera, let alone to take beauty shots of finished objects.

I shall see you next week – – by which time I hope very much not to be coughing and that I shall have photographs of hats, shawl, buttons, skeins, pebbles and more to show.

As I failed to find any finished objects, how about having a Follow Friday instead? Go and read Kate – who is inspirational in oh-so-very-many-ways. She’s far more interesting, accomplished and beautiful than me too — so why were you here in the first place eh? Go on, shoo!

PS: Activity this week has been confined to washing and blocking (of a sort) and to knitting blanket squares. A late rally saw a Morning Surf scarf project unearthed from hibernation as a change to the “mindless knitting” scenery. (I love my blankie but too many squares at once can send a girl a bit batty.) I did manage to weave a couple of scarf inches and fill a bobbin of singles too, so not an entirely idle week – just very close to it.