
There are eight skeins hanging up in the kitchen: two dark red/grey merino/mohair; two blue/green home-dyed; two of the Deep Fried Vegis; and two of the erratic singles. And in my craft room, pinned out  on the floor (rather poorly, it must be said), are: my grey lace scarf; two swatches for Mr L’s “Lanark Mills” sweater; and two beaded alpaca lace ATC bits.

The singles have washed up incredibly, startlingly, white. I am currently revising my ideas on what to make of them. They feel very light and insubstantial.

It took a while – I fielded a Sanday Spinners’ call in the middle of it all… but more of that another time.

I was supposed to be going out tonight to see a programme of Indian dance. Sadly, I have a terrible headache still (it’s only Day 2 and I have one more day to go yet) and worry that I might not enjoy myself – Mr L has seized on this fact, and the emergence of the sun, to claim that he has to mow the grass. That job takes several hours* so it looks like we aren’t going anywhere at all.

I’ll do some more spinning. Nothing too taxing. Can’t wait for bedtime, actually. I think I’ll have a cup of chamomile tea while I spin.

* It’s OK. It’s light until midnight… plenty of time to get finished in.