Disinclined to ply

There having been no takers for that skein of prize yarn, I intend to wind it today and to commence a second curl without delay.  I may offer up the finished item as a giveaway but you have now lost the chance to pick a an item/pattern for it to be made into. It’s a Curl or nothing. I’m thinking perhaps a Pavonated, or maybe a Cerise. Possibly even an Infuscate.

There is an uneasy feeling in my middle that suggests that a  Curl would be wrong for this dye job  but I can always change my mind and turn it into something else if it does not pan out.

I need to ply today though I feel not at all like spinning right now. However if I don’t crack on I shall miss my deadline so I am about to wander out to my van and discipline myself. I’d far rather stay in, eat chocolate and watch a three hankie film.

I’m short of a picture. Will this morning’s Monday Outlook do?

Monday Outlook 27-7-15 (1 of 2)

Really, I do feel all at odds and, well, just simply sleepy.

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