Yesterday carried on worse rather than better and it was bedtime before I twigged that it was the anti-histamines at work. I was dropping off at the keyboard before tea and just could not understand why I should be so sleepy. When I climbed into bed and began to scratch and registered that it was time for another pill, I realised. Yes, a quick check of the packet showed that I had bought the not non-drowsy kind by mistake.
So, if I need an excuse for yesterday’s awful spinning, I do have one – I was drugged.
I was entirely right in thinking that I should not have been spinning yesterday and it did go very badly. Perhaps not quite as badly as the first skein as the second one has fewer bunny ears sticking out. I did remain driven. I did do my plying. I did wash and dry my skeins. Today I prepared them for the Show and had quite the big surprise. Maybe the spinning is not all that bad after all. Both skeins were completely balanced and both measured up at exactly 126 yards – so, total consistency! By which I mean they are consistently inconsistent. Perhaps not poor spinning after all but maybe “characterful” is the adjective to apply.

No. I’ll be honest. They are rubbish. So much so that, given the colour and condition, I have called this yarn “The Emperor’s New Clothes”.
Anyway, they are in The Box now. In fact, everything is labelled, checked and in The Box now, with the exception of two pieces that need to stay on a hanger until it is time to go out on Thursday.

In the end I managed 22 submissions, of which 12 are photographs. The ten knitted items sprang almost from nowhere as just a few weeks ago I was certain that I had nothing to enter. Since then I knitted the Lady Lismore and the Argent Curl and also dug out a few things that had been entered before and not been placed. They are allowable submissions. I shall try harder for next year.
My submission list is typed up. All that I have to do now is to find the £1 entry fee and to dust The Box, which I noticed, when trying to photograph it for the blog, is exceedingly dusty.

The second Curl is in progress. I began a Cerise but thought the yarn was not looking at its best in it so I frogged and started a Pavonated, which is going well. I think that I may continue with that.

I am very sleepy again so I think I may not get around to that “organise the van” item today. I will try to get the Changing Seasons done as we are almost into August now! I will certainly charge my batteries, if not clean lenses and I will plan to itch tonight instead of dosing myself on anti-histamine. I don’t want to be nodding off on Friday afternoon.
Had the brilliant news today that a dear friend of ours is legging it all the way up to Orkney next year. He wants to visit the Highland Park Distillery. I am so looking forward to seeing him again as he is one of the best people in the known universe.
The List:
attach buttons[icon type=”glyphicon glyphicon-ok” color=”#4f168c”]wash and block BSJ[icon type=”glyphicon glyphicon-ok” color=”#4f168c”]spin second half of purple rovingply second half of purple yarn[icon type=”glyphicon glyphicon-ok” color=”#4f168c”]wash purple yarnfinish Argent[icon type=”glyphicon glyphicon-ok” color=”#4f168c”]wash and block Argent[icon type=”glyphicon glyphicon-ok” color=”#4f168c”]go to town and buy some real foodCANCELLED- organise the van to make a better space in which to work (ongoing)(theoretically)
- Write up The Changing Seasons for June (LATE, LATE, LATE!)
count yardage in North Ron skeins[icon type=”glyphicon glyphicon-ok” color=”#4f168c”]label North Ron skeins[icon type=”glyphicon glyphicon-ok” color=”#4f168c”]- Charge batteries and clean lenses in readiness for Friday.
- Find a £1
- Dust The Box
- Remember to add the final two entries before leaving the house on Thursday
Now, perhaps a little baking before Thursday evening? Maybe. Maybe not. I don’t have a proper kitchen in which to work and the batteries in my scales have died.
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