Dear Liza

There is a hole in the garden where the chooks used to be – a hole, dear Liza, a hole…

No chooks
No chooks

The hen hoose and the last two ladies left us for their new home yesterday.

There is a hole in the yard where the Land Rover once stood – a hole, dear Liza, a hole…

Absence of Land Rover
Absence of Land Rover

The Land Rover went today and to the same home as the chooks.

Both have left a hole in our hearts, I believe.

Mr L immediately made use of the increase in elbow room in order to attend to that irritating problem we have with Brunhilde – the noisy fanbelt. For why, you may ask. Weeell, we have to prepare for a trip Sooth. Brunhilde is going for her last ride with us. We have identified the dealer of choice and picked a van. A holding deposit has been paid. If we get there and don’t like the van after all, we can swap the deposit to another vehicle. Finance has been secured to cover the balance between now and September. It is a scary business.

This week I have mostly been photographing and cataloguing my china collection, ready for sale. There has been a little spinning but no knitting. More stuff has gone out of the door. The balance sheet is filling up nicely and space in the house has been recovered. At some point soon I am going to have to register internally the fact that this thing is really going to happen. I must be getting there on that one as today I tried a post on Ravelry in an attempt to swap Morgana for a travel wheel. I’ve had several responses already.

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