30 Days Wild : 15

Day 15

Days 12 to 15 of 30 Days Wild and I apologise for missing a few posts. There has not been time for cameras or blogging over the weekend.


Not Guilty, m’lud

I was feeling guilty and apologetic for having begun 30 Says Wild and then failing to keep up. The thing is though, it’s not about the blogging but about the tuning in – and I have realised that this is something that I do anyway.

I might not have been writing about it but there have been wild moments in my days over the past weekend and I don’t mean just the house spiders unearthed when we took the kitchen cupboards out! I have come to realise that it is our habit to stand and gaze at the Oystercatchers in the front garden, to watch and to laugh at the antics of the Starlings around the hen hoose in the back garden, to look out daily for our Hen Harrier and to keep an evening eye open for the Short-eared Owl.

Nor do I simply keep my eyes open. There was a moment in the night on Saturday when I was woken by the shrill piping of the Oystercatchers in flight over our bedroom roof. It is a sound that I love – it seems the essence of wildness, this calling in the night. At a little after three am on Sunday there was the beautiful song of the garden Wren to listen to before falling asleep once more. It constantly amazes me that such a tiny bird can sing so loudly.

Yes, there is always time and space in which to tune in to the wildness about me. Today there was a little extra time before Mr L could finish his DIY work and I could cook his dinner, so Nell and I spent an hour or so in the bay just pootling about and exploring. Here are some photographs from our expedition.

Today’s Photographs

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