Somebody pop the kettle on

It has been a funny old day, and a busy one.

Mr L roused me from my slumbers this morning with the news that Brunhilde was booked on the ferry. He also mentioned that the support call for our Broadband fault had been updated to reflect the fact that there had been no update.  It was still showing midnight as the aim for resolution.  We kept an eye open all day but have not seen a van. However this afternoon we were getting over 7 Mb/s. We appeared to be mended. Yippeee.

That may not be the case. It may be that we had more line speed because of today’s BT outage. Now we are no longer with BT, it did not affect us other than to leave us in less contention for the available bandwidth.

I spent my day packing Brunhilde for a trip. It’s a big job – everything was cleared out for the winter, right down to the kettle. We turned Bruni around at lunch time and she started first time. However, when we checked her lights we found one front blinker not working. Mr L went out after work to fix it and remains out there, in the cold and the dark, gradually making matters worse… and is now saying we shall have to cancel, which is a shame as I already bathed Teddy and he is going to be cross if he finds out that happened for nothing.

Am I disappointed? Well, maybe, maybe not. It does seem like madness to venture forth in the first week of February and my mind has been working overtime on all that might go awry. On the other hand, the plan included a meal out in a proper restaurant and all – plus a trip to the cinema. We  have not been to a cinema since… oh, 2001, maybe? Heck, I am not even sure that I have seen a cinema in all that time! They are almost as rare as McDonald’s in those parts of the world we find ourselves of late.

I started spinning my new bump of fibre last night so that I would be set up for group today, though did not get to Spinning  as planned due to all the van-packing activity. I do love spinning with the Ashford sliver and I think it is going to be a wonderful yarn when it is finished.

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