A new cycle

The post today brought my annual allocation of free ferry tickets. I immediately began to think “Let’s go to Shetland!” Of course, they are not effective until April 1st, so we shan’t be heading North any time soon.

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Also delivered today was my new rolling pin. It is not as posh as my last one, the ill-fated SilPin, but it is very l o o o o o n g. Or do I mean wide? Anyway, it would not even fit on the photo stage for illustrative purposes. It arrived in a ridiculously large, and very damaged box. It does appear unscathed, though I have yet to remove all of that sticky paper.  I shall do that carefully – I plan to make a lot of pasta with this pin.

I am going to the pictures tomorrow, to see 45 Years and I am very much looking forward to that. Sir Tom. Oh, yes.

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