Today’s Wednesday WIP is all but a Friday FO, in fact. This Amalia Shawl was cast on at the weekend and I finished it off at Spinning today, casting it off after the ladies went home.

I knew as soon as I saw the pattern released on Ravelry that I wanted to make this shawl. When my wee blue baggie arrived from Colourmart on Saturday morning and I saw the colour of the Cotton/Silk fingering… I knew I had to go for it. The Teardrop stole had been sending me a wee bit crazy and I was ready for a change of pace. I thought by the time I had cranked an Amalia out I might be ready to go back to 1-into-nine stitches and tiny wee beads. However, I am not sure that I am… yet.
The shawl is wrapped in a towel now and I am about to block it. I fear that it will not block out very far at all and will henceforth be known as the Amalia Scarf.
Ravelry Project: Azulia
Spinning cake today was another fruit cream flan – apple and blackberry this time – plus a tray of flapjacks with nuts and raisins.
One semi-interesting thing from Spinning chatter today – Joanna told me that Woolgathering had made a list of the best UK knitting blogs… I have no idea how – or why!
I guess that there can’t be all that many… Anyway, you might like to go look at the other 99 – I intend to explore a few new blogs from the list myself, as soon as I have time.
Spinning group is here again next week. How about suggesting a cake recipe for me to try?
We haven’t had Queen Mum’s cake for a while. 🙂
That was not quite my meaning…. 🙂
I have a delicious chocolate cake recipe that uses a bit of coffee and some orange juice to play up the chocolate flavor. It is very moist and is mixed up in the food processor so it if easy. If you’d like, I can email the recipe to you. Unfortunately, as I am an American, the measurements are not metric.
Thank you, Susan – that sounds lovely. I am old enough to have grown up on Imperial measurements – and I do own cup measures too. My cooking is multiscale 🙂
I am away at a conference until the 8th. I will do my best to remember to do it when I get home but feel free to remind me if it does not show up in a timely fashion.
Thank you – I shall road test it on my spinning ladies as soon as I can