What’s been happening?

Wracking my brains to try and find something to write about in order to bring the blog up to speed. There’s not a lot.

This is my "me" blog and a fundamental difficulty is that when we are travelling, there simply is very little "me time". We drive for perhaps three or four hours, pitch camp and then the priorities are to walk the dog (and now also the cat) and sort out some food.

There has been a little knitting, but only very little and nowhere near as much as I had hoped that there would be. Two socks have each made a little progress however and that is better than nothing. A scarf that I cast on has made so little progress that it barely merits mention. Now that we have reached Portugal and darkness falls earlier, it seems unlikely that there will be any further knitting in the foreseeable.

As usual, I packed my pencils intending to tackle a drawing course with all the free time at my disposal. I also packed "Adult Colouring Books" and my coloured pencils. I honestly believed that I would complete a page at each stopover then photograph the results and post them. I also registered for a few Future Learn courses to help fill in my down time.


O, how I shall laugh at my folly and ambition one day. ?

What there has been is a considerable amount of reading. Time freed up by taking a Facebook holiday has been put to good use. I have polished off two and a half books so far and hope to be starting the third before the weekend is over.

Photography is a bit hit and miss. I probably have a couple of hundred exposures to review in Lightroom just as soon as I can get around to it. I am pretty sure that the general quality is low though! Again, lack of "me time" has to take the blame. I am not grumbling – after all the best part of this motorhoming lark is the togetherness aspect and I can never complain about the amount of time that we spend together just walking or dining out… or the early nights on long dark evenings, cosying up and listening to music.

It’s the Life, you know ?

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