My life is in flux and I have no idea how things are going to pan out.
I am wondering what to do with this space. The woolgathering domain has been with me for a very long time and I am loathe to let it go, but if I keep it what should I do with it? My woolly fibre stuff has moved over to Sanday Spinners and I have a home on the the basement floor here for my photographs, my cookery ramblings are hosted elsewhere… as is the fledgling writer. So, what is woolgathering to become? I still regard it as my home, my niche on the web, my personal space — but it has repeatedly been made to feel unsafe.
Maybe I shall make it into a scrapbook, or an index to what is happening where-else. I could revert to daily diary jottings. I this, me that, bore, bore, bore…
I don’t know. I just do not know.
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