We’re still here

Yes, almost two weeks in one spot. Itchy feet conquered? I doubt it.

After a prolonged mild spell, much of it grey and wet, we were walloped by a drop in temperature overnight on Friday and a hard frost barely gave way at all yesterday. Thankfully things warmed up a bit by this morning… our grey waste tank was backing up into the shower and a frozen disposal pump would have made for disaster.

Yesterday may have presented very cold – cold enough in fact for the water pipe on a pitch facing us to burst and become a very pretty fountain – but it was at least dry, sunny and still. I took the camera out with me as we walked over to Rockcliffe. The reward was to be able to capture some shots of the morning sunlight streaming between the trees.

Sunshine in Mark Hill Woodlands

There were a few people about in the woods and Nell had to take care that her ball did not fall in the way of any strange dogs.

Nell in the woods

Rockliffe was busy as always and the ice cream van was doing a roaring trade. The sun actually felt quite warm as we sat on a bench by the beach to eat our “oysters” but it was a false warmth, as we recognised as we began the return walk int he woods, where it felt far chillier.

When we began the descent back at the site it was clear that the frost had softened very little in our absence.

Taking a breather before taxing my knees on the way down

I have definitely reached the point of longing to see Sanday again but I shall nonetheless miss this place when we leave, it is certainly very beautiful.

We have yet to go off anywhere at all since we came back and I have succumbed to both Tesco and Gousto orders this week. Mr L did walk in to Dalbeattie but encountered “path closed” signs on the return journey, as he did when going to Colvend. Oddly there are no signs as we enter the forest. The diversions are not particularly good ones and he is disinclined to walk out for shopping at the moment so being able to take deliveries here is a definite plus. Whatever else, it allows us more time for relaxing.

Speaking of which, wherever does the time go to? I brought books, art materials and knitting with me but have done nothing at all. I really should bestir myself and make more of my time and my life. I could at least make the thrummed socks that I had to send for emergency supplies for. Just because the old cold van initiated that project and we now have a cosy warm van… well, it’s no reason to just let them languish, is it?

I must get thrumming.



  1. spinninggill
    January 22, 2017

    I’d meant to ask you whether you’d finished the thrummed socks. 🙂

    • January 23, 2017

      Thus far I have knitted one cuff and twirled a couple of dozen thrums – all done on the day that your package arrived… then we went and swapped vans and my feet are much warmer. I really must carry on with them – and free up space in my overhead locker.

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