Week 3

Stats update: I’ve walked 32 Km on the treadmill in 2 weeks. I confess this last week was far less productive than week #1 was. All the same, I have managed at least 15 minutes every day.

We’ve indulged a little over the weekend. I feel a little bad about that. I know that the 5:2 diet says to forget about dieting on non-fast days but I do think that we went too far in that direction…

Today sees the beginning of week #3 and our fifth fasting day. I am serving up the leftover dahl from last week, which I froze together with the cabbage thoran. I’ll thin it down to make a soup. There are 400 calories-worth each in it, so Mr L can have a small naan on the side. I shall have a dollop of a freshening tomato relish to satisfy my eye as well as my palate. I’ll dress it with that low-fat chilli dressing from Cochrane Cottage.

Then I shall go to Spinning Group and breathe garlic fumes at all present.  The sun is out, I may walk up and take my knitting instead of my wheel.

I have switched to weighing on Sunday mornings, which do not follow a Fast day, so my weight has apparently gone up a little since I was weighing following a fast. I am sanguine. It’s a long road to follow and the curve will show a downward slope again soon enough. It’s a slight bummer coming back out of “double figures”, of course but it is only temporary.

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