There and back again

Had the bus to myself this morning, so I sat up front with Andy, the driver, and enjoyed the view. It was a stunning morning.

The days are ever-shortening and although the bus picked me up after 9am the shadows were long.

long shadows
long shadows

Under an almost cloudless sky, it was a little chilly and so my hat, scarf and gloves had their first outing of the season. Until now it has kept unseasonably warm despite much wind and rain.

I also wore a sweater to town for the first time this winter and I soon regretted that. The sun was quite warm by the time that we reached Kirkwall, but nowhere near as warm as the over-heated shops. I was fit to drop long before I ever reached Tesco.

Notable buys today included chestnuts for our new healthy eating regime and some Merguez sausages from Donaldson’s. Kirkness & Gorie supplied fresh pesto for Thursday’s salmon and also a bottle of that highly expensive sherry that we have a taste for.  I kept the cheese order to a minimum, buying only one small piece of Pecorino with Truffle and a peedie slice of Gruyère for the French Onion Soup that I have a hankering for. Cheese and diets do not make a happy combination, sad to say.

Quite a few goodies leapt from Shearer’s shelves and into my trolley and I briefly wondered if I might smuggle the cat out…

comfy cat
comfy cat

… seeing as he was ready-packed in a hamper box.

Lunch was a delicious toasty and side salad, courtesy of Zio francos’.

Tesco was the same hell that it always is but at least they had some veg on the shelves today. I may have bought more than we can eat before it goes off… but I look forward to some cooking fun in the coming days.

I started a Ferry Sock, which may or may not become a Birthday Sock.  Maybe if I go to town again next week and the week after, Mr L will have a timely gift.


I looked up from my knitting on the way home and saw that the sky was on fire. Luckily I had my camera to hand.

Weather portent?
Weather portent?

If the Shepherd is right, we look to be in for another good day tomorrow.

I’m having a day off from the treadmill. I think I can get away with it, having lugged a metric tonne of shopping back and forth across Kirkwall today. After eating a £10 supper for two (well, half of it) I feel a little full to be exercising.


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