Van progress

So, this evening was dedicated to blocking up the van. Next step: fit the carpet.

In Other News: nothing.  Yep, that’s right. I  have absolutely no idea what I have been doing all day. The time has slipped by in a haze and I have blobbed on my Blip. Not one photo taken today.

I am cold – a chill wind seems to have cut me to the bone whilst we were messing about outdoors, so now I am going to snuggle under the duvet. Perhaps tomorrow will prove to be either more productive or interesting. Who know, it could even be both. Though most likely it won’t be either. I should like to fit some knitting in, whatever happens.

One Comment

  1. spinninggill
    May 20, 2015

    Have a hot toddy as a preventative. 🙂

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