
I hate myself just a little bit today (double haggis, chips and mushy peas last night – in my defence, I only ate half the chips.)

We sat in my room last night and did the Guardian Prize crossword, declaring it a bit of a dud. Dr Who got the go-by (we’re just not feeling it this year) and we settled in bed with Season 5 of Lost (almost done now!) After consuming as much of Lost as we can stand in one go (3 eps) we got to discussing going away again. Mr L is keen to go sooner rather than later. In the course of conversation he recalled that I have some free tickets for Northlink ferries, thus it was that, over three hours after going to bed, I was to be found in here at half past 11, searching high and low for said ferry vouchers. When they arrived earlier this year I simply tossed them somewhere, in the firm belief that they were of no use to me. Why on earth would I want to go off Orkney – I’ve not been away in 8 years, why would I start now… well, little did I know. It’s a good job that I did not toss them in the bin.

Vouchers found eventually, I also unearthed my Islander registration which will earn me 30% off any non-free journeys. Apparently I am also entitled not just to a free berth on sailings but a free bed overnight when leaving on the early boat. Growing old isn’t all that bad after all!

The weather outlook doesn’t look too promising but we shall wait until Tuesday/Wednesday before making a decision. There is little point in going if the weather is not at least reasonable – and the ferries are costly just to go park up somewhere and sit in the van all day.

I’m looking up geocaches and places I’d like to visit but my gut tells me that there is no great hurry to get all the laundry finished and the van re-packed.

On my list so far I have the Craft Village, the ruined church at Balnakeil, Smoo Cave and Ullapool for the fish and chips. I would very much like to visit the beach at Sandwood Bay but I can’t see my enjoying a 9 mile round trip walk with the state of my Achilles at the moment. One for the future, perhaps.

This morning began with a suggestion of fitting the final sitting room window but better sense prevailed and chicken was prepared for marinating. I need to tidy up in here again as all of yesterday’s good work went to pot in the mad search for the ferry vouchers that we most likely shall not be needing any time soon. Alas, we went out to play instead of being more sensible.

Brunhilde needed her legs stretching, so we went for a ride up to Lopness Bay and had a picnic lunch and a dog walk.

Bay of Lopness
Bay of Lopness

I took a few photographs and gathered some shells.

Beach Detritus
Beach Detritus
The Family
The Family
Erosion at work
Erosion at work
Nell plus today's best toy
Nell plus today’s best toy

The good news is that the battery appears to be charging. Mr L had the road atlas out while we had coffee, hunting for stops for our next trip.


  1. September 21, 2014

    Wow! Eight years without leaving Orkney. I don’t know why that surprised me.
    I can’t think of anything to comment that doesn’t sound facile or idiotic. Was that the plan or did it just happen?

  2. September 22, 2014

    A combination of factors, I suppose – the cost of getting to Mainland UK, the fact that we have not been in the habit of taking holidays (again, cost), being estranged from one’s family means there are few drivers for heading Sooth… but the main thing I suppose is I just have never felt the need. I am perfectly happy here and have been unable to see any point in getting off my wee island. I don’t even like going as far as Kirkwall! Well, historically, that is – I quite enjoyed our two trips to explore the big island. I confess to trepidation at the prospect of crossing the Firth to Scotland … cars, traffic, shops, people! The day was always going to come when my pension came in and the mortgage was paid and we had some extra cash at long last. It just kind of zoomed up on me before the loins were girded.

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