There’s something in the air

I’ve been out twice today and each time have come home feeling absolutely dreadful – sneezing, runny nose and a headache that extends into my face, all wrapped up in a general kind of simply lousy feeling. I deduce some form of hay fever. I’m not sure what is doing it – I know that I have sensitivities to oil-seed rape  and dandelions but neither are about just now. There is a lot of white daisy-looking stuff in flower  but I suspect the finger must be pointed at the barley fields.



Mr L is in the kitchen making a chicken dopiaza and I appear to have the day off so I thought it was time I got some blogging done.

We went out after work yesterday and made an early start on our weekend. Would you like to come on the walk with me? We went down to the village and ate our tea on the pier before washing it down with a beer at the pub and walking home again.

PS. I have installed a new theme as the old one has stopped playing nicely with WordPress Tiled Mosaic galleries. It’s a shame, as I really liked the Hatch theme. This one I am less sure about, so I may change it again but I do like the lightbox image display scroller – try clicking on a mosaic thumbnail to see what I mean. The typography is a bit awful, don’t you think? I may play for a few days and I apologise if things get too ragged around here.
Current theme = Emphaino

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