The weekend

The weekend thus far has been full of  busy. Imagine our delight then to discover that Mr L is on his jolly hollies tomorrow. It’s a Bank Holiday. For this he is truly grateful as his weekend seems to have been given over almost entirely to doing things for other people, scuppering his planned intention of spending his weekend in the garage with BridGeT. Anyway, computers were mended, horses were raised from near-dead, and curries were cooked. He’s an all-rounder that Mr L.

Today we had to go to Backaskaill. We took the dogs with us and we drove onto the sand and had a good play time until a squally (and icy!) shower drove us into the car again.

We told the dogs that they could come too...
We told the dogs that they could come too...

I tried to show you the vast emptiness of the white-sanded beaches here. It was not to be…

When we got home I was treated to a stunningly good red curry. While the boss was cooking, I pondered this yellow shell

I found a wee shell
I found a wee shell

and considered a possible project for PS4 East, which began on the 1st of May and about which I have not yet found time to blog.

We are puzzling now – trying to complete the final two puzzles before the end of the CISRA week in 4 hours’ time. It looks as though we are going to finish in 18th place. That’s up on last year’s 23rd, but we have fewer points overall – 73 against 78. In 2007 we came 12th, with 72 points. I’m still trying to work out whether that’s showing an increase in performance, or a decrease. I guess it depends on how you choose to look at it! Perhaps we are simply exhibiting consistency 🙂

Of 274 teams registered, 190 scored points. Just 34 teams have scored over 50 out of 100 available points. That’s the context. We should be pleased with ourselves, I think.