The Ups and Downs of a Knitter’s Life

There is no doubt about it, I was elated yesterday in completing my Gördes socks. It may have been the last of the month, but it was certainly still February. A goal achieved. Well done, me.

Once I had photographed the socks and uploaded to the KAL thread, I briefly considered casting on for the February pair (I think I shall make Mood this time) but I elected to be disciplined and continue with the Ruffled Fichu (aka Daybreak Golds). I put South Riding on the iPlayer and picked up my 317 stitches. As the evening wore on, I moved on to Not Only, but Always on Channel 4 OD and I knitted five increase rows of the bell ruffle chart…

…before realising that I had misread the chart and done it all wrong.

I frogged.

To be honest, I had no idea whether I had managed to stick to my current Finish 2, Start 1 rule. I need to bring records up to date. A UFO Reduction Report should follow soon. Then I shall have a clear view on whether or not I am allowed to cast on the new socks.

No Show and Tell today – I’m busy in the kitchen baking, busy in the laundry room, busy getting ready for Spinners tomorrow, and outside in the sun getting general stuff done while the weather is blessing us with its sunnier side. Busy, busy, busy. The problem is, I really don’t feel up to it. It is hard work, making myself get on with things, when all I want to do is to creep under the duvet. There will be fresh line-dried sheets on the bed tonight though, and that treat will make up for all manner of ills. One day, when I am stupidly rich, I shall have freshly laundered linen on the bed every night – and somebody to do the laundry for me (and make the bed up.) I don’t want much out of life really. 🙂

I’ll pick up the border stitches on the shawl again later on. This time I may try and concentrate on what I am doing.

There is sweet pastry in the ‘fridge, to be turned into something nice for tomorrow and savoury pastry also chilling, for a Quiche for Mr L’s lunch tomorrow also. I have 30 eggs to deal with, so need to find plenty of baking time today. Not sure that is going to happen.

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