The Baking Bucket List

This should probably be a Page and not a Post, so that I can look back and refer to it easily from time to time. I may convert it later – for now it is just a random jotting. As promised, I am making a list of things I haven’t tried yet. I have been baking for over 50 years and took an A level in Home Ec. I worked in a Country House as a cook for 6 years almost. You would think that there was little that I have never tried. And yet…

“Never tried” does include things that I may have received instruction on at school and attempted the once but would now like to try properly. Cooking, and Baking especially, has changed much since the early Seventies. What was then will certainly be hugely different now.

For now the list sticks to items yeasted:

  1. Reminded by Backwards Lion today – Brioche. Tender crumbed, golden buttery Brioche, rich in egg and milk. For dunking in hot chocolate or café au lait or to eat with high fruit preserve… peach… apricot… passion fruit, maybe.
  2. Scottish Morning Rolls – the real deal, using mashed potato in the mix.
  3. Ciabatta
  4. DONE Bagels
  5. Lardy Cake (I think I made one once, but can’t recall how it went)
  6. Danish Pastries (yes, once, at school… very dull)
  7. Croissants (only ever from frozen dough, sad to say)
  8. DONE Crumpets… or, as named where I grew up, Pikelets. (Rings have been ordered)
  9. DONE Muffins. Not those over-large buns the Yanks make… these are bread goodies, for toasting on an open fire and slathering with butter, or for perching a poached egg upon for one’s tea. We like them on Saturday mornings, sandwiching some crispy streaky bacon and a few buttery mushrooms.
  10. Rum babas (once, a long, long time ago and we were not allowed to use rum)
  11. Bierocks – not a life long yearning but a new intrigue. Should go well with a bottle of Dog and a game of Bar Billiards on one of our pub nights.
  12. Pannetone
  13. Ginger Beer (no, never. ever.)
  14. DONE Bere Bannocks
  15. List remains open

NEXT: Brioche or Bagels?


  1. February 9, 2013

    Sounds lovely. Wish you lived near enough so that I could drop round for tea!

  2. […] go at improving my pikelets. I have a real fancy for some. It is also high time that I addressed my Bucket Baking List.  Perhaps I should commit to that Brioche, after all the butter and eggs are sitting at room […]

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