That’s lucky

A few days ago, my pal Fenny announced that she had begun decluttering for 2009. One of the items that she was getting rid of was a book on crochet. I know that I have to get to grips with crochet some time, I do hate to be defeated by anything – so I said I would give it a home.

Yesterday, I learned that Craft Club is going to be crocheting  for the foreseeable future.

Today, Fenny’s copy of New Directions in Crochet : A Diagrammed Course to Easier Crocheting with More Than 200 Designs and Patterns arrived…

…The Fates are at work, people!

Thank you, Fenny. The pot holders will arrive one day…

In a related vein, I asked in a Ravelry group that I subscribe to if anybody had spare baby yarn that I could use for my crochet class. It is already on its way to me.


  1. January 8, 2009

    You’re not going to believe this – but I know Fenny too! I used to be on (UMRA) with her, until it all got a bit high volume for me. Tell her Chuckler says hello ;))

    • Fenny
      January 9, 2009

      Hiya Chuckler, good to see you again 🙂
      I’m not around much on usenet at the moment due to not renewing my subscription to the Berlin server and my laptop being in for repair (or gone to silicon heaven). There are a few umrats on Livejournal, too, which is where I mostly rant and ramble these days.

      • January 11, 2009

        Lovely to hear from you! I shall have to investigate LiveJournal, then – see who else I can bump into 🙂

        All the best for 2009!

  2. January 9, 2009

    Oh, I’d believe it alright. The internet is a very small place. I know quite a few umrats, mainly from crossover with uk.s and uly. I think one or three of them even read this blog from time to time.

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