Tasty, very, very tasty (December Reflections 26)

The 26th December Reflections prompt is right up my street: Delicious

Good heavens though – what do I write about? We eat well and do ourselves proud on most days. I am a competent cook – I once earned my living, and the roof over my head, by cooking for “the Gentry”. The present Mr Woolgathering appreciates my culinary talents but also enjoys eating out.

And we eat out a lot. Far too much, in my opinion. It seems that our hobby now consists of travelling in our motorhome across the Continent, trying out tasting menus at some very lah-di-dah restaurants. We seem to collect Michelin Stars like other people collect stamps.

Let’s face it. in the past year we have eaten an awful lot of very delicious food. This coming year will be no different and in fact we are heading to Girona in May, for a birthday meal at El Celler Can Roca.

How can I single out any one meal or any particular dish. It would be impossible.

So, I plumped for this very delicious dish that I conjured up in five minutes, using one pan in our motorhome last week. I had two Confit Duck legs sitting around after opening a pack of four for Mr L’s birthday meal and I elected to use them up in a Duck Fried Rice.

My point is – food doesn’t have to be fancy to be delicious and sometimes simple is very definitely best.

That’s all by the by however as I wish to nominate the Delicious Mr L as my Dish of the Day, today and every day!

My Old Man at The Old Man

I cannot tell you how much that I wish that this prompt had been the one for the 31st December, which is when my Old Man and I celebrate our Wedding Anniversary. Seventeen years of deliciously happy married bliss.

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