Still here, still handwriting. Not improving much as yet.
Yesterday went a little bit pear-shaped. Mr L hurt his back in the afternoon so the evening’s socialising had to be cancelled. It wasn’t all bad news though as when I rang to cancel I received the good news that the loom had arrived. I popped round to collect it, of course.
The loom is still in its box as l have yet to organise a space for it but the old man seems keen to unpack it and read the assembly instructions.
The back is still troublesome but we are not allowing this to get in the way again today and we are about to embark on a tour of the island’s artists’ studios.
I have a terrible headache in my eyes today and it feels like one that will turn into a migraine in the course of the day. This is annoying me as I have much I wish to be doing – such as the unpacking of the loom and the knitting of my scarf.
On the plus side, the unscheduled early departure to bed last night saw 18 rows completed on the scarf and a whole chapter of the weaving book read. I even understood it, all bar a single concept.
I am pleased that the scarf is now under way. This is my fifth attempt and I had to change my yarn choice in the process but all is at last going well.
EDIT:Â All three open studios have been visited and we had a lovely afternoon. Artists with open studies today were: Carolyn Dixon, Dominique Cameron, and Rosey Priestman. All have way different styles. Each has pieces that I wish l could buy.
We also met George, who was wonderful ~ and extremely friendly. I think he may be a Staffy but I’m not sure as am not v familiar with that breed. Cute, anyway.