Lovely mail today and the outcome of two bouts of inappropriate shopping. Why inappropriate? Because every penny that I have is committed to the loom that should be arriving any day now.
As enny fule no… the only sensible thing to do when purchasing serious kit is to get the best one can possibly afford. Sadly that same enny fule also harbours the disturbing inkling that funds should be held in reserve for those additional extras that turn out to be practical necessities in actual fact. And thus it was with the loom. I spent every last penny and ordered the stand plus minimal extras. Which means that there is no cash left to fund other purchases such as the….
…two weaving books that arrived in today’s post.
There will be more on these later, I expect – once I have time to digest the contents. These are they: “The Big Book of Weaving” and “Handweaver’s Pattern Book: An Illustrated Reference to Over 600 Fabric Weaves.” The latter contains over 600 weave patterns for use on a 4 shaft loom and should keep me occupied for some time to come!
The very good, and completely unexpected, news is that Mr L became v interested in the books and sat in bed and flicked through them with me. He asked interested questions regarding the mechanics of weaving, and we discussed the idea of both weaving and knitting as effecting computer-like programmes. I think he might be interested in joining me on this adventure. Now there is a turn-up for the book!
However the main loveliness in today’s mail were these items from The Little Knitting Company: Kinky cable needles and seaming pins. Both are made from Rosewood. Are they not lovely?
Not particularly expensive either – the cable needle set is priced at just £3.60. This must be approximately equivalent to a similar set in aluminium, surely. Happily, the seaming pins are the same low price. Postage is very reasonable too.
These will come into their own when l make the Duxbury Point pullover for Mr L.
The remarkable thing about this purchase is that I succumbed to online advertising. Yes. I actually saw the ad for the cable needles on Ravelry and was so taken with the look of them that I clicked-through. I was so amazed to find myself at a British site and looking at an affordable price that I inadvertently pushed the purchase button. Yes. That is my excuse – and I am sticking to it! It is surprising though that I even noticed the ad in the first place – I have trained my brain to screen out all such irritations as a rule. I generally consider myself ad-proof.
A new lace scarf made it on to the needles last night – Anne Hanson’s latest, “Fernfrost.” I began it quite late, due to problems with downloading the pattern, so there is nothing really to show yet. All I can say is that I was enjoying it and just about had the pattern set (I thought) when I came up a stitch short and had to tink a row. Of course I dropped a stitch in tinking and of course ended up putting it away until daylight. I’ll show and tell when there is a full repeat to display.
The Weekend
Plans for the weekend are minimal. Mr L is in charge of Pad Thai Noodles for dinner. I shall tidy and vacuum today as Mr & Mrs SpinningGill are coming out to play tonight. We girls will be doing first steps in weaving for my benefit. The boys can play pub games. There will be beer and there will be talk of beer – for we have a beer festival to plan! Tomorrow is unplanned and I will most likely be pressured into reorganising my workroom so that it will accommodate the loom. I should like to make progress on the Fernfrost, though. I feel it calling to me even now…