Still Quiet

There is little happening today.

The weather remains beautiful.

I planned to bake onion bread today ready to make Melba Toast on Wednesday. Mr L has taken over the kitchen however and is stripping what remains of the cork tile flooring. So I have been sitting here with my Thrummed Sock, making some kind of progress and watching telly programmes on the iPlayer.

Can I recommend Marvellous if you have not already seen it? Warm-hearted, wonderful, funny… and an object lesson in how, if we look only for the good in people, that is what we will find. It is simply, as the title indicates, marvellous. A real joy. A gemstone amongst the dross.

Neil Baldwin is clearly a unique individual and this is a great shame as the world would be a better place for more people like him.

I loved the line, when Lou Macari asked Neil how he remained so “up” and he replied that he had always wanted to be happy, so he decided to be so.  A very wise man indeed.

It hasn’t been a totally sedentary day – I have just got off the treadmill. I have to say that exercising, which never comes naturally, seems very extra difficult at this time of the year.

Twelve years wed, come Wednesday. Normal service should be resumed on Thursday but I’ll be awol on the 31st. Cooking. And Stuff. Eating. Drinking. Snogging. Reminiscing…

One of the great things about being old is that there is no longer any need to be apologetic about musical taste – people expect one to like Dad Rock. One of our anniversary habits is to line up the Pink Floyd albums for the evening’s entertainment. This year, head of the list will be The Endless River, which we bought and downloaded today. We’re keeping it under wraps until the candles are lit. What a treat.

Right, I shall get back to my sock and see what else is worth watching.

It’s Spinning Group tomorrow so I must organise myself. I also need to reach a decision on whether or no to head to Kirkwall on Tuesday.

Oh, yes, it is the High Life around here.


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