Spinning day

Spinning day today and I feel that I really don’t want to go. Socialising feels like too much effort right now. In fact, everything feels like too much effort at present – I think I must need to up my medication. I’m hoping to get sufficient of the BFL spun up today to allow me to ply my first two bobbins. Between having no time/no interest and it spinning up so fine, this feels like a marathon effort. I did manage to spin half a bobbin last Wednesday, maybe I’ll complete it today. Maybe not.

I’m a bit worried that my first bobbin is far more finely spun. Clearly, with getting so little time to practise lately, I’m losing the knack that had been developing quite well. Still, it’s all a learning experience. – isn’t it? All the same, I’ll be far happier once the pup has settled down sufficiently for me to immerse myself in my spinning and get some real work done.