
My apologies, I still have nothing of interest to offer. There is nothing happening here – no knitting, no reading, no walking, no photographs. Sadly, there is also no sign of progress on part 2 of my assignment. The clock is ticking and I need a big boot applied to my bottom.

I don’t seem to be bouncing back very well from the dog:arm proximity problem. All I seem to want to do is to crawl back under the duvet with my beloved for a surfeit of cuddles. Every now and again I find  myself feeling weepy. I really need to shake this off.

I had the morning to myself again as Mr L and dog went walking to the shop at Colvend. I sat down to work but my mind was largely a blank. I have a document and it has some words in it, almost enough actually, but it badly needs structuring in order to make a coherent argument. My brain remains mush and unable to be coherent. It’s a conundrum.

As I remember this studenting lark, clarity tends to arrive with the realisation that there are less than 24 hours left in which to submit. Does that still apply? We shall see.

In the meantime, I feel the need to knit. Not only do I feel the need to knit but I feel the need for new yarn and a new pattern and something entirely new and exciting. In short, I wish for a treat. The knowledge of that marvellous shop in Castle Douglas is a real temptation. I am fighting the urge to hop on a bus and go pull balls from the shelf with gay abandon. I suppose I shall settle for finishing that sock that I was knitting on the way down but knit I must – it centres me.

All will be well soon.

In the meantime, supplies from Colvend today comprised good cheese, butter and crackers, red wine, and chocolate. When reprimanded for not sticking to The Pensioners Penury Plan, Mr L replied that I was clearly in need of cossetting and so he was treating me.

I love that man.

May I go back under the duvet now?

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