
Oh, which day is this? My poor brain is completely addled.

Firstly, I need to note that the WPC rang me last evening to let me know that a couple had walked into the police station in town and reported their dog incident. The address that they had left at the station was completely different to the one that I had been given. Surprise, surprise. They were said to be “deeply concerned”. How odd. Don’t get me wrong, I am delighted that they have done the proper thing but what prompted it? From they way that they behaved at the time I would not in any way at all have anticipated this turn of events. How did they go from an air of “What has this to do with me?” to being “deeply concerned”? I should love to know.

We have two or three working theories – the first being that they perhaps tried to eat at the pub again and were asked to leave. I can readily imagine the landlady telling them that she was not having that dog in there. Such a scenario might lead to the discovery that the incident had been captured on CCTV. That might well have put the wind up them. Mr L theorises differently and thinks that perhaps the nicer and rather more reasonable husband had talked her round later. I think this unlikely – it was very evident who wore that household’s trousers! The last notion came to me over dinner… perhaps they took legal advice.

Whatever, as I say, I am delighted that they came forward in the end and I no longer have to worry about any future incident not being linked to this one and their getting away again with a glibly issued “She’s never done that before.”

I agreed with the WPC that she may visit them to issue an Official Warning. She indicated that they would be informed of my injuries and the actions that had to be taken and that they were lucky not to be facing Proceedings in this instance. I countered by stating that I should like them to undertake not to take the animal out in public unmuzzled. I don’t know if anything would come of that but I do feel strongly about it.

The larger swelling is going down now but a number of circular bruises are beginning to appear around the lesser tooth marks. The general discomfort has increased as the bruising develops. The sutures are painful due to swelling around the wound but the swelling itself does not seem to be the bad kind… it feels no hotter than the surrounding flesh. I think that all is well. Mr L appears to be enjoying this period of “keep it dry” and is happily assisting me with my daily shower but perhaps we should draw a veil there…

Today Nell and her dad went into Dalbeattie for supplies again and I tried hard to knuckle down to my assignment. I managed to develop my two drafted paragraphs up to around 630 words. It took ages… keeping me busy until they returned home again. We had a coffee break and then I pruned my answer back to under the 500 word limit, taking out all of my favourite parts as I went. I need to add references now, keeping it to the 500 words in the process. Basically, it is over the hump. Now I just have to do the second question I shall need to do that tomorrow to allow time for finessing before the cut-off later in the week.

It all felt like very hard work. I made really heavy weather of it. My brain just seems to be completely mush. Is it the pills?

No, I mean, really. No Brain Function At All. I made fried Halloumi with Couscous and a spicy tomato sauce this evening. I could not recall how to make couscous at all and then managed to put the spicy part of the sauce into the couscous pan by accident.

I really am in dire need of chocolate. Alas there is not only “no money for butter” but none for chocolate or wine either.


Wish me luck with Cézanne!

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