So long, Chloé (December Reflections 21)

The 21st December Reflections prompt is: I said Goodbye To.

In my “Hello” post I wrote about the many people that we meet on our travels but noted no significant hellos in 2019. Of course when we move on there are people to say Au Revoir to — and who knows when or where we may meet again.

2019 did sadly provide some significant Goodbyes. Importantly, I said farewell to my lovely Father in Law, whom I miss greatly. I don’t feel like saying much about that right now.

It also seems that we have said Goodbye to Chloé, who went out one night few weeks ago in Spain and did not return. We lost her in Alcossebre, where we stayed for two weeks searching and calling for her in the hope that she would return to us.

Chloé adopted us when we moved into our new home in France. She simply muscled in and said “Okay, I live here now. Feed me!” A funny wee thing, she had lived a difficult life and had issues. It took her time to give her trust but the rewards were great when she bonded with us. It didn’t stop her biting us though! 🙂

She completely stole my heart.

I feel awful that we put her at risk by taking her on the road with us.

Chloé is missed very much. The bed feels too big without her and I miss her funny little way of approaching in the wee small hours to ask for strokes, offering just one little cat kiss in return.

We aren’t sure what happened to our little cat but we have a fair idea. It’s not something that I am ready to talk about but we think that foul play was involved. On the other hand, it is tempting to hope that she is simply on her way home and will turn up at the bedroom skylight one night, demanding to know what we think we have been doing. After all, she is microchipped but no bad news has been heard. Likewise, the campsite in Alcossebre has her description and our contact details. She has clearly not shown up there yet. So there remains some hope.

Sadly I have only one photo of Chloé available to include in this post at this time.

Chloé was of course the star of my Crooked House blog, where there are many more photos and blog posts about her.

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