Hello, Hello, Hello (December Reflections 17)

Today’s December Reflections prompt: I said Hello To is giving me some problems. I have no idea what to write about.

There have been no big new Hellos in my life in 2019 – they all happened last year and I could have rabbited on for hours on this topic just 12 months ago,

True enough, we travel a great deal and we meet a great many people. I have said Hello and Good Morning in several different languages this year: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish and Portuguese.

Perhaps that is interesting enough in itself!

I must confess that some mornings when I head for the shower I actually struggle to recall which country I am in and what greeting to offer to the other bleary-eyed campers that I meet en route to the sanitaires. I quite liked Germany, where a grunted “Morgen!” sounds sufficiently like my own cursory Yorkshire version of “Morning” that I could get away with things. Here on the Iberian Peninsula things can be more tricky due to the simultaneously similar-but-different Portuguese and Spanish salutations.

Yes, I become tongue-tied.

Happily, the camping community largely settles for a cheery “Hello” whatever country the greeter hails from. I am repeatedly reminded of my privileged position as one who has grown up as a native English speaker. I do like to put in some effort though – just ask me after I have had my morning coffee and I will try to do better!

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