Recipe search

Mr L is hankering after a dish that both he and I recall, though I think that we made it in separate lives. I have checked all of our likely cookery book sources and cannot find it. I’m wondering if the Interwebs can come to our assistance.

It’s a “Pie” where the “crust” is made from blanched cabbage leaves. The filling is we think based on dried chestnuts and make contain onions, mushrooms or rice – any or all. The recipe calls for the pie to be turned out (it looks gorgeous!) and served with a tomato sauce.

Mr L thinks Delia, I think Sarah Brown, but it’s not in our books. It may have been a magazine recipe BBC Good Food or Sainsbury’s.

I shall attempt to recreate this gastronomic experience, probably with reference to the many cabbage parcel recipes out there but if this remembered recipe rings a bell, please comment.

Actually, it may possibly be a “Pudding” where the cabbage leaves line and top a bowl rather than a tin… but you get the idea. The filling is encased in cabbage and the whole baked in the oven.

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