A little while ago I mentioned falling off the yarn-purchase-diet and I showed you some Colinette that I gained from p/hop.

Well, yesterday I turned that yarn into an oversized Urchin beret. I knitted the large size, because I know that I have a 23″ head. But I failed to swatch — and that was an oversized mistake.
I put the hat on my head last night. As it dropped towards my eyes IÂ reminded myself of Victoria Wood (and her friend, Kimberley, of course.)
Then Mr L tried it on, and wore it in such a manner that I began to sing “Black Pudding Bertha” and if this means nothing whatsoever to you, may I commend this video …
…and suggest that you immediately go and get hold of the entire Goodies back catalogue and improve your comedy education.
The hat is actually very beautiful. It’s just that it is as big as a tea tray.
The options would appear to be:
- Sew in some waistband elastic to the brim
- Felt it a little
- Frog and re-knit in a smaller size
- Turn it into a cushion cover
- Retain it as is, for the comedy effect
While I was making my mind up, I popped off to p-hop and paid my dues for the Colinette – and the tears of laughter/lesson learned. Extremely good value.
Felting will make it nicely water resistant…
I was at the Collinette Factory shop this week, I was strong and only bought 1 of the £4 skeins from the sale room!
Yes, but I am reluctant to lose the scrunchy texture. I’d like to frog it and reknit it in a smaller size but the cats have other plans – these I hope to divulge tomorrow.