Oh, dear

I left my wheels at the venue that we are using to run a spinning course – just overnight, to save carrying it back again tomorrow.

Do you know what? I feel oddly bereft, and am wondering what to do with myself until tomorrow afternoon. A good job Mr L downloaded Torchwood…

This afternoon, I started carding the ShetlandX that I dyed a couple of months ago. I’ll start spinning it when I have sufficient carded to keep me going for a while. I shall make bondage yarn, if I can. 🙂

The colours look gorgeous when carded – really pastel aqua shades and very pretty indeed. They’ll deepen when I spin them but should still look good in a bouncy single, bound with a finer, darker single. The darker shades are much more peacock-ish and vibrant.

That’s the plan for now, anyway.

Tonight I hope to get Mr L to hold some skeins while I wind some yarn and thread beads. I really want to get my Cascading Leaves shawl started soon.

I should get a swift, really.