Today’s thrill is a non-knitty one. Last night I watched Polar Bear: Spy on the Ice on the iPlayer while I knitted. It was superb, and not just for the dulcet tones of Mr Tennant. I’m not sure if the biggest stars were the polar bears, or the robot spy cameras. Anyway…
You’ll Laugh!
You’ll Cry!!
You will gasp with Horror!!!
If you haven’t seen it yet, try to catch it before it disappears. You will not regret it — a thrilling piece of TV. If it does not win a clutch of awards, I shall eat my shawl. If all television was as good as this, I would definitely consider purchasing a set and a licence.
Anyway, the polar bears and the delightful Mr Tennant got me round the second corner of the shawl edging. Only two sides to go. It is now time to start on the second cone.