Not half bad

It’s a fair day today. The featured pic was taken this morning when I put my rubbish out at the gate – snapping a selection to choose from for my now regular Monday morning Blip, the Monday Outlook. Today I was inspired by my sister-in-law to get out my polarising filter and make some use of it.


There was actually a Skylark singing overhead when I took this and I later saw a pair of Oystercatchers on the wing. Spring is definitely going to get here this year. Maybe not yet, but sooner or later.

  • Momentous day today – the mortgage is paid in full and the house is all ours.
  • I seem to need a sensor clean on my camera – this scares the wits out of me, I must say.
  • No sign of the Aga yet
  • nor of the wall tiles
  • Too many signs of rodents however and a nasty rat has been chewing up the car, including wires that now need investigation and repair, so I can’t take the car to Spinning.
  • Feedback from Amazon tells me that recent purchases of Camera Backpack, 2x lens extender and tripod lens mount are already on their way to me. I shall be hijacking Norma at the door for the next few days!
  • Denali is growing rapidly but I have a wary eye on several of the yarns, which are dissipating at a rate of knots.
  • Dave Wheeler  has changed his weather forecast so we have stopped planning a getaway this coming weekend.

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